Selasa, 26 November 2013

The biggest mamals in the sea. They breath air through blowhole into lungs.
Whale have sleek, streamline bodies ha move easily through the water
Whale can stay underwater for almost two hours and dive to depths of 2,000-3,000 metres, maybe more! They eat squid, which can live very deep in the ocean, so sperm whales have to dive down into the deepest parts of the sea to catch them. No one is quite sure how they make such deep dives
Because of a uncanny ability to efficienly sore oxygen in their blood and muscle, adults sperm whale can stay submerged well over an hour without taking a breath!
A sperm whale descended at an astonishing 550 feet per minute
Well i have telling you about why whale is a deeper divers? Now i am gonna tell you about the specific from thier body..
the tails called flukes , fins called pectoral has a function to help them swimming in the deeper sea.

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